Every year, the Kinetic Paranormal Society races in the Kinetic Grand Championship in order to investigate the paranormal activity that only a kinetic sculpture race can generate! Each year our team takes on a new angle to pursue our ever-deeper understanding of this unique phenomenon. We learn a lot about ourselves along the way.
Enjoy this archive of our past 10+ years of racing memoris!
A return to regularity Nutritional Facts: Be prudent. Don’t eat too many prunes. After years of seclusion, we have all become a bunch of prudes. How do we begin to return to regularity? Why, prudence, of course. Easing your way back into regularity is a lot like eating prunes. You … Continue reading → Working to maintain a world worth hatching eggs into! Behold, we are the Gilded Goose Guild! We are the bearers of eggs of glory! A gaggle of gilded goslings awaits this world if only we can create more joy in it! For long ago when all King Midas touched turned … Continue reading → Many know the sad story of King Midas, his hideous blessing of turning all he touched to gold and how it made him suffer, but few know how tormented he still is to this day. For it was 252 years after his death that his loyal aid, and part-time necromancer, … Continue reading → Where normally one might have a pair of normal glasses, our team members are equipped with paranormal glasses. As paranormal investigators, we never know what to expect, so we wear our unexpectacles! These stylish glasses give us a glimpse into other worlds. Or is it just the magic of the … Continue reading → The key to unlocking your own heart is inside you! Using the Keys to Time & Space, the Kinetic Paranormal Society will unlock portals to nearly any dimension. Let us provide you with a key of your own and maybe a little bit of relevant instruction on how to use … Continue reading → The Search for Sgt. Button Did you know that the more buttons you have on your clothes the more likely people are to smile at you? Button-up shirts, button-fly jeans, and anything as cute as a button knows this and takes full advantage of this technology. In fact, everyone is … Continue reading → Attention all Grinches, Scrooges and Hum-bugs: be warned, the Kinetic Paranormal Society is on the case! Racing in our magical wardrobe across Humboldt in the 2014 Kinetic Grand Championship, “Grinch Hunters!” was, as usual, more than just a theme. With brightest light and loudest sound,No frown shall escape being turned … Continue reading → We have a wardrobe! The Kinetic Paranormal Society found itself when we found our magic wardrobe. It was right in front of us all along. Somewhere in between races, it became clear, if Bartleby knew anything at all, it was supernatural. We returned for our third race with a new … Continue reading → The Return of the KPS We didn’t know it at the time, but declaring ourselves paranormal investigators for the 2012 Kinetic Grand Championship turned out to be a lifestyle decision. Every step of the journey brought us closer to who we always were all along. The wardrobe was still just … Continue reading → Only Kneehigh The Kneehigh Puppet Stage stood over six feet tall. We were still searching for our kinetic voice that year, but we wore our paranormal glasses and represented the K.P.S. Prudence Prunewater Revival Tour 2022
The Gilded Goose Guild 2019
The Gilded Ghost Guild 2018
Expect the Unexpectacles! 2017
The Keys to Time and Space 2016
Sgt. Button’s Lonely Heart String Band 2015
Grinch Hunters 2014
The KPS and the Magic Wardrobe 2013
The Kinetic Paranormal Society 2012
KPS 2011