The Kinetic Paranormal Society

A pair of socks in a magic wardrobe traveling through time, space, and all of the multiplexiverse. A surreal paranormal comedy satire, the KPS brings a little something to sci-fi fans of all ages.
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The same pair of socks, share their meta-physicist expertise, answering questions for guests and listeners. On Meta-Cosmos, no metaphysical quandary is too big and no existential dilemma is too small.
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Salty Astrology

Simply put, astrology sucks. It shouldn’t make sense, and yet the alignment of orbital bodies somehow poignantly describes these unusual times. What the hell?! Listen in as two veteran astrologers, Tricia Riel and Isaac Bluefoot vent and complain about how stupid astrology is with incredulous expertise. New episodes every quarter moon.
Superman: Son of El

Not a KPS podcast, but our producer Isaac Bluefoot tells this story and it is awesome. It’s more about vulnerability than invulnerability!