The Gilded Ghost Guild 2018

Many know the sad story of King Midas, his hideous blessing of turning all he touched to gold and how it made him suffer, but few know how tormented he still is to this day. For it was 252 years after his death that his loyal aid, and part-time necromancer, Sir Airi’sol, resurrected Midas’s ghost from the realm of the deceased, and his spirit is now cursed to roam the earth every fifty years, for a few days or so, turning all he touches into the gaudiest of gold, not 24 karat gold, but 24 rutabaga gold!
Since that long ago time, an ancient order has formed to both protect the world from this dangerous spirit and lay claim to any gold that he creates along the way. They are the Gilded Ghost Guild; and through the power of time travel, the Kinetic Paranormal Society has long ago become members of this mysterious organization in order to save us all. For the year, 2018 is both the fiftieth anniversary of the race and the fiftieth resurrection of King Midas’s ghost! Without the KPS, the entire Kinetic Universe is in grave danger of being turned into 24 rutabaga gold!